Be on the Lookout for Kid Burglar in Utah


Police are on the lookout for a couple of people: one reportedly a kid burglar who allegedly accompanied another person to steal from a Utah home back in December. Kid Burglar Strikes–But Not Alone A homeowner contacted police after she arrived home in mid December to find two people in her house. The alleged burglars, […]

Utah Teen Driver’s License Suspension


If you have a teen whose driver’s license has been suspended or denied because he’s been convicted of a juvenile offense, you might be interested in trying to have that suspension or denial shortened or lifted. There is a legal motion that can be filed to make such a request, although filing a motion concerning […]

Reasons For Suspensions and Expulsions from a Utah School


Kids attending a Utah school can be suspended or expelled for a variety of reasons, although they may not necessarily be charged with a crime at the same time—that would depend on law enforcement and local prosecutors. Reasons for Being Suspended from School If your child does any one of the following, he may not […]

Utah Kids Suspended Following Provo Drug Scheme


Several Utah kids have been suspended from elementary school, and one arrested, following a police investigation into a drug scheme that may have been organized by the juvenile who was arrested. The juvenile arrested is an eighth-grader from a local middle school. Authorities believe that he would purchase marijuana from another individual and then pay […]

Teen Conspiracy and Drugged Milkshakes


A conspiracy involving drug-spiked milkshakes sent two California parents to dreamland while their teenage daughter and a friend had unlimited Internet access. Using the Internet Past Curfew Apparently the girl wanted to use the Internet past her curfew, so in order to facilitate her wishes, she and her friend put prescription sleeping pills in a […]