Utah Teen Driver’s License Suspension


If you have a teen whose driver’s license has been suspended or denied because he’s been convicted of a juvenile offense, you might be interested in trying to have that suspension or denial shortened or lifted. There is a legal motion that can be filed to make such a request, although filing a motion concerning a juvenile ‘s driving privileges doesn’t guarantee you’ll get what you want.

The state of Utah admits that filing a motion to shorten a teen’s driver’s license suspension or denial can be complicated. You may want to discuss your child’s case with a Utah juvenile defense attorney before (or instead of) attempting to handle a complex legal procedure on your own. You are under no obligation to talk to an attorney, but having a Utah juvenile defense attorney on your child’s case may help immensely.

In order to qualify for shortening the time period of driver’s license suspension or denial, your child must:

• Have completed at least 6 months of the suspension or denial if you were 19 but not yet 21 on the date of the violation
• Have completed at least 2 years of the suspension or denial if you were under the age of 19 on the date of the violation
• Have completed the drug or alcohol screening that was ordered by the judge as part of your sentence and
• Completed any required assessment
• Completed any necessary substance abuse treatment
• Completed any required drug or alcohol educational series
• Not have been convicted of any motor vehicle law violation while driving
• Not have illegally drunk any alcohol
• Have done what’s required by the court, including not violating any probation

Talk to a Utah juvenile defense attorney today if you believe your child is ready to make a motion to have his driver’s license suspension or denial changed. We understand the challenges that families face and are ready to help your child in any aspect of his juvenile court case.