When Parents are punished for children’s crimes


When a juvenile is involved in an illegal activity, sometimes the parents are punished for their children’s crimes.

When parents are held accountable

Photo by: Jason Taellious
Photo by: Jason Taellious

In the majority of juvenile criminal cases, the youth who commits the crime is the only one who will face charges. In these proceedings, parents are punished monetarily only with counseling fees or fines. There are situations however, when parents are punished as if they too committed the crime. Some conditions that may be lead to extreme parental punishment are:

• Parents who have made no effort to teach their children right from wrong. A child may commit a crime because they simply don’t know any better. When children are not taught the laws of the land and what is required of them as citizens, they may be considered unable to make legal choices on their own.
• Parents who shoplift, use drugs, or are involved in any illegal activity openly in front of their offspring shouldn’t be surprised when their children follow in their footsteps. Many kids idolize adults, especially those responsible for their care. If a trusted adult commits a crime, they are showing their youth that it is acceptable behavior.
• Parents who help their child perform an illegal activity. This can include buying them alcohol or excusing them for being truant when they sluff school.
• When children are left unattended for extended periods of time. Without someone to make sure they are staying out of trouble, many kids aren’t mature enough to be home alone while staying safe and out of trouble.
• If a firearm registered to a parent is used by a child. It is the parent’s responsibility to make certain that firearms are under lock and key. When a child takes possession of the firearm and uses it to commit a crime, it is common to see that the parents are punished as well under Child Access Prevention Laws.

To the parents who try

Regardless of upbringing or how diligently parents try to raise their kids to be outstanding citizens of the community, children continue to make choices contrary to what they know is right. In these circumstances, it may seem unfair when parents are punished for their children’s crimes. For parents and their children who may be facing charges together, it is important to speak to a defense attorney who is capable of defending the child as well as the adult.