Electronic Communication Harassment for Prank Calling


Prank calling is a favorite past time for many teens, but there are times when it can lead to electronic communication harassment charges.

Is your refrigerator running?

Photo by: Bonnie Nacko
Photo by: Bonnie Nacko

According to Utah Code 76-9-201, charges for electronic communication harassment can ensue from merely prank calling a number and being annoying. With prank calls such as these, electronic communication charges can follow when there is repeated contact or any contact after the person being called has asked not to be pranked again. This includes calling and hanging up and unfortunately this law doesn’t seem to apply to telemarketers.

Taking things a little too far

Occasionally, prank calls can take a darker tone when pranksters move from jokes into insults, taunts or threats. If the prank calling causes the person on the other line to be fearful or if the call is threatening or prone to “provoke a violent or disorderly response”, one call is all that is needed to be slapped with electronic communication harassment.

Hi, hi, hi, hey, hello, :), <3, sup, bro, dude…

When friends blow up another’s text messages with repeated IM’s, it is annoying and illegal. Utah code states that this can cause “disruption, jamming or overload of an electronic communication system”, and is technically electronic communication harassment. While this may be innocent and just for fun, make sure both parties feel that way.

Know the limits of the law and who you’re calling

Most prank calls are harmless and take place between friends; however there are individuals that find this annoying prank to be offensive. When a person on the other end of the prank call decides to press charges, minors can expect to face a class A misdemeanor for a first offense or a 3rd degree felony if this is a repeat offense of electronic communication harassment. For more information regarding electronic communication harassment for minors, contact a juvenile criminal defense attorney.