Another Utah Teen Almost Killed by Synthetic Drug Pink


The synthetic drug Pink that killed two Park City teenagers in September continues to make its rounds as it almost claimed the life of another Utah teen on Friday.

A half dose leads to an overdose

Photo by: Catarina Oberlander

Only seven months after two 13 year old Park City teenagers lost their life after overdosing on the synthetic drug Pink, a 17 year old from Morgan, Utah was almost killed by a half dose of the same imported drug from China. Fortunately for the 17 year old Morgan boy, a family member was home at the time of his overdose and was able to get him medical care immediately; a mercy the families of the two deceased 13 year olds Park City boys did not receive.

U-47700 Pink

According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, the synthetic drug Pink, known formally as U-47700, “has a high potential for abuse and no approved medical use. ( . . . ) this dangerous synthetic opioid has been linked with at least 46 confirmed deaths ( . . . )[and] can be toxic – even in small doses.” The DEA adds that “its abuse parallels that of heroin, prescription opioids, and other novel opioids.”

New scheduled I drug

Pink is typically ordered online from sources in China and could be done so without using the online black market. Its ease of acquiring regardless of its danger caused law enforcement to make immediate changes. Although the synthetic drug Pink is not officially listed as a controlled substance, the DEA temporarily banned it back in November, listing it as a scheduled I drug. Those caught with Pink will face drug possession charges while those ordering it from China or helping distribute it will face drug distribution charges.

Criminal charges for 2 Utah teens

In Utah, 2 teens are already facing criminal charges for their roles in helping put Pink on the streets. A 16 year old Park City boy was discovered to be the one who ordered the supply of Pink online from which the two 13 year olds lost their life. More currently, 19 year old Parker Pentz from Morgan Utah was arrested for suspicion of supplying the 17 year old with the synthetic drug Pink that nearly killed him. According to the Morgan County Sheriff’s Office Facebook page, Pentz was “booked into jail on multiple drug charges along with Child Endangerment and Reckless Endangerment charges.” Parents are encouraged to speak with their teens about the dangers that can come from illegal drugs such as overdosing or criminal charges. Parents who have teens facing charges should speak with a juvenile defense attorney.