Trouble This Summer for Utah Teenagers


With school ending comes a lack of educational structure and parental supervision for many Utah teenagers which can lead to trouble this summer. During this time of freedom (or boredom) there is a rise in teenagers engaging in behavior that can get themselves injured, arrested, or killed.

Photo by: Kamyar Adl
Photo by: Kamyar Adl

Drugs & Alcohol

As teenagers spend more time out and about with friends and not under the watchful eye of teachers and parents, there arise more opportunities to “try new things.” Unfortunately, sometimes those experimentations involved illegal drugs and alcohol. According to a report by the U.S. Substance Abuse and Mental Health Association; the amount of teens who try alcohol for the first time doubles during the summer months. There is also a substantial rise in marijuana and cigarette use during that time.

Car Accidents

Teenager drivers are already at a disadvantage with driving as they lack experience needed to fully assess driving situations properly. Add an extra 6-7 hours a day during the summer that Utah teenagers can be behind the wheel and accidents involving teens are sure to rise. Additionally, many teenagers may attempt driving longer distances or driving in unfamiliar areas as they explore this summer which leads to increased accidents.

Criminal Mischief

Without the need to wake up for school, curfew for teenagers is often set later than during the school year. Many Utah teenagers use the extended hours of summer to treat their boredom by causing trouble at night when businesses are closed and most residents are asleep. Toilet papering and egging can easily lead to vandalism and burglary.

Prevent Idle Time

There’s an age old quote that states “idle hands are the devil’s workshop”. Parents can help their teenagers stay out of trouble this summer by making sure that their teen is not sitting around bored. That doesn’t’ mean that teens need to be entertained by adults; rather that they need their time to be directed toward something useful. Whether that be a summer job, volunteering, or developing a hobby, Utah teenagers are better off being engaged in positive and healthy activities. If your teenager has already started this summer off with a bang (of trouble) contact a juvenile defense attorney to discuss the best way to proceed.