Vinyl Fence Vandals on East Side of Salt Lake City Believed to be Juveniles


Photo: r. nial bradshaw

Residents and police on the east side of Salt Lake City are concerned about some vandals that seem to have targeted vinyl fences.

Vandals Thought to be Juveniles

It’s also believed that the vandals are juveniles. One resident who’s had her fence broken on multiple occasions seems to think that it sounds like kids come and throw themselves into the fence until it breaks.

It’s hard to imagine who would find throwing their body into any structure, vinyl fence or otherwise, fun–but there you have it. Someone’s doing it and residents have the broken fences to prove it.

While it may not seem like the worst crime in history, vandalism is a crime–regardless of the type of vandalism that takes place. Also, there’s more to it than just the repair of a broken fence. Kids (or adults for that matter) who are found to be vandals may find themselves spending some quality time incarcerated in addition to the financial costs of choosing vandalism as a past-time.

Level of Charge Can Depend on Monetary Damages

Another term for vandalism is criminal mischief; this may be charged if a person intentionally destroys or damages someone else’s property. It would likely be charged as a class A misdemeanor if the person does more than $500 but less than $1500 in damage.

Having the right defense attorney on your child’s side in any juvenile matter may make all the difference in the outcome of his or her case. It’s important to contact a Utah juvenile defense attorney as soon as possible to get your child’s case on the right track. More that phone call today.