Chemical Bomb Explodes at a Utah High School


Instructions for just about everything on the internet abound, including how-to’s for creating your own chemical bomb. However, just because you can find out how to make a chemical bomb easily doesn’t mean you should follow through with the experiment, as two Bountiful High School students recently discovered.

Photo: maticulous

Chemical Bomb Explosion Leads to Arrests

The high school was placed on lockdown status yesterday after a homemade chemical bomb exploded in one of the school’s foyers. No one was hurt, but the two students were arrested after police investigated the incident. The two apparently left some other chemical bombs in other locales as well, including one that exploded in a church parking lot. Police indicated that the two students probably weren’t planning to hurt anyone, but law enforcement does take the behavior seriously.

One of the two involved in exploding the chemical bombs is 18 years old and was taken to the local county jail, since he is legally an adult. The other student is just 16, so she went straight to detention.

Chemical Bomb Presents Danger to Anyone in the Vicinity

Using an incendiary device is a second-degree felony in Utah. Each chemical bomb in this case was full of hydrochloric acid, which presents a danger to anyone caught in the explosive fall-out.

Since most teenage pranks are harmless, these kids may not have fully realized the danger that their chemical bombs presented to others or even themselves. Hopefully their parents will understand the importance of hiring an attorney to represent each youth in order to make sure the kids are treated fairly. We don’t condone violence, but we do believe every person—juveniles and adults alike—deserve equal representation when it comes to criminal matters.

If you need to look for a Utah juvenile defense attorney for your child you should consider the attorney’s previous experience and hire someone who has a reputation for serving his or her clients effectively. Criminal charges of any nature are best handled by an attorney who knows how to get the job done right.