Can I Hire a Private Utah Criminal Defense Lawyer to Represent My Son in Juvenile Court?


A parent has the right to hire the attorney of  their choice for their child in Utah  Juvenile Court.   You always need an attorney if you have been charged with a crime, even if you are in Juvenile Court.  A smart criminal defense lawyer can assess the strength of the case against you, make certain that the offer from the prosecutor is fair, and inform you of the consequences of a conviction. Most importantly, a lawyer can fight the charges against you through various motions and by taking the case to trial.

It is advised to have a lawyer at the investigation phase to work toward preventing charges from ever being filed. If that cannot be accomplished, a lawyer may be able to work out a deal  where less serious charges are filed. Even when that cannot be accomplished, having a lawyer during the investigation stage to help you deal with the police and advise you as to your rights can be invaluable.