Utah Juvenile Questions and Answers


Understanding laws can be fairly complicated, at least for the average Utah citizen. Laws governing Utah juveniles are no exception, but with the help of a Utah juvenile defense attorney, you can get your questions answered. In the meantime, we’re sharing some possible questions and their answers with you.

Photo: takomabibelot

Ungovernable or Runaway Utah Juvenile

Lots of parents wonder what they can or should do if their child is ungovernable or a runaway. Sometimes, in spite of a parent’s best efforts, kids make bad choices anyway. If you have a child in this situation, you can contact your local Utah Division of Child and Family Services, or another agency such as Youth Services within your county or district. Many times there are options available to parents, such as crisis intervention for families and temporary shelters.

My Child Wants to Quit School

If your child under the age of 18 decides he no longer wants to go to school, be sure and inform him that it is Utah law that he attends school. That may not be enough, we know. Release from school can be given by your district’s Board of Education. If both the parents and school district make continual efforts to get the child to school, and those efforts fail, the school district can make a referral to Utah Juvenile Court.

Emancipation and Parental Responsibility for Utah Juvenile Delinquent

There are times when you may wish to be emancipated from your child. However, only a minor 16 years old or older can petition a court for emancipation. That said, if your child is delinquent, parents are generally not held responsible for their delinquent child’s behavior unless the parent has in any way contributed to the delinquency. Note that if your child is placed in the Utah juvenile justice program, you are still responsible for his or her monetary care.

These questions about Utah juveniles are only a few that parents may have. As we stated earlier, if you have more questions or concerns about your child or a problem they are involved in, contact an experienced Utah juvenile defense attorney who has a reputation for getting the job done.